7 best seeds for cherry biome in Minecraft snapshot and beta

The Minecraft 1.20 update isn't here yet, but players can experience the Tails & Trails update in small capacities thanks to the recent snapshots and betas via which new features are tested out on the community.

This allows players to explore the new cherry blossom biomes, which are coming in the next update. Presently, they're only in the previews, but players can still use seeds to find them. Here are a few fun ones to try.

Minecraft seeds for cherry blossom biomes

7) Seed: 1861965201489179097

In this world, there is a stunning and large cherry blossom biome. That alone is worth exploring, and as the picture shows, there are plenty of trees to harvest for cherry wood and cherry leaves. There will be more than enough saplings to keep the forest going, too.

To make this seed even better, there's a village right next to it. That means one of two things; either it's an excellent place to visit for loot or a great place to set up a base and live with the trees and villagers.

6) Seed: -4193205318086978739

This cherry blossom biome might be bigger than the last. It also appears to have quite a lot of trees bunched together, making it very easy to harvest wood and other items. There's a mountainous biome beside it, which is a pretty interesting world generation.

At the bottom, the biome appears to fold around another biome with a river. The middle land of the peninsula surrounding the river would be an amazing place to set up a base, making this Minecraft seed almost perfect.

5) Seed: -1306837882

Speaking of great places to live, there's an excellent spot in this Minecraft seed right beside the cherry blossom biome. It also includes a perfect watering hole that a build could be constructed in front of. Behind that is an opening to what appears to be a pretty substantial cave system.

The Redditor also mentioned there are good structures nearby, so this is already one of the best 1.20 seeds out there.

4) Seed: 4459605219549419

Incredible new generation in 1.20 (Image via u/Jereaux 17 on Reddit)

In terms of unique world generation, it's unlikely that the 1.20 update will introduce anything more unique than this - a cherry blossom biome surrounded by an icy mountain biome. Clearly, it looks like a fun location to build in and a beautiful place to live.

3) Seed: 6678009126445714359

This Redditor shared what might end up being one of the largest Minecraft cherry blossom biomes in the entire game. This biome spans numerous blocks and has many trees in it. As far as cherry blossom biomes go, it's hard to find one better than this. It is also surrounded by plenty of building space and a few different biomes.

2) Seed: 7055012631100188205

What's better than a cherry blossom biome with a village nearby? A cherry blossom with a double village nearby. It's hard to imagine finding a better generated area in a Minecraft world. Double villages always have excellent loot to get started, and since the cherry blossom is the most fun new part of the game, there's no reason to look elsewhere to start a world.

1) Seed: 344041150

Once again, the 1.20 Minecraft update has introduced some very unique generation. This is another cherry blossom forest surrounded by ice and snow, making it a fantastic place to take pictures, build, and survive in. There is plenty of room to do whatever one might want nearby.

To top it all off, there's an Ancient City in the Deep Dark nearby, making this an amazing seed all around.

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