Ashley Judds makeup malfunction: simple mistake, or hilarious disaster?


These are some new photos of Ashley Judd promoting her book yesterday in New York. As you can see, Ashley’s makeup is all kinds of wrong. Bad makeup situations and not blending is something I excuse in younger ladies, young women who don’t know the basics of makeup application, and perhaps don’t have the best makeup artists on call. But Ashley Judd is an old hand at this junk, the red carpets, being photographed, etc. Surely she would have noticed the makeup disaster? Surely someone would have told her, right? But I’m guessing everybody there was too afraid to say anything.

CB covered parts of the Ashley Judd story here and here. I’m not going to cover my take on this situation because CB says I’m too negative and I’ll alienate people. I suppose that as a group, we’re not all going to come to an agreement on this, and maybe we should applaud Ashley for making us discuss real issues instead of, like, fashion or who is boning what. Ashley too is bewildered by the controversial reactions to her book. I know this because despite Ashley’s best efforts to remain “abstinent” from the press, she’s has given many, many interviews to promote her book. She tells E! News that the response to the book has “been a little bewildering to me… My poor mother, who’s incredibly witty and so quick with a quip, she’s probably regretting she said ‘We put the fun in dysfunctional.'” She also blames the media: “They put disproportionate emphasis on the fact that we had a family system that didn’t work very well and the kinds of the things that happen in those family systems happen to all of us.” You can read more here.

On a more superficial note, CB and I (and all of you) have been debating about what Ashley has done to her face. Some of you think it’s a full facelift, but CB and I are thinking it’s fillers. In these photos especially, her cheeks looks super-jacked.





Photos courtesy of WENN.
