Cheeky frogs hitch a ride on crocodile taxi

Crocodiles aren’t known for their calm temperaments, so it would have been little surprise if one had snapped at three cheeky frogs hitching a ride on its head. 

The audacious amphibians risked it all as they hopped onto the reptile for a ride across a pond in Bekasi, Indonesia.

But according to photographer Dzulfikri, who captured the moment on camera, such incidents are common. 

"The pond is not very big and is home to baby crocodiles and frogs," Dzulfikri, said. 

"I manage to capture unique moments at the pond such as the frogs jumping and landing on the crocodiles. 

"To me, it looked like they were playing together, so I just knew in this situation I needed to capture it on camera."

Click here to see a gallery of photos of hitchhiking animals

The audacious amphibians risked it all Credit: Dzulfikri/ CATERS NEWS
