Bradley Cooper is one of, if not the most popular actors in Hollywood today. To no one’s surprise the 39-year old actor was named the highest-paid in the business this past year. His $60 million net worth is poised to continue to grow for years to come as he remains highly sought-after for projects. Cooper is a relative late bloomer in the industry. He got his start on TV with Alias and Jack & Bobby before his hit the big screen in the classic movie Wedding Crashers in 2005. When Cooper played the bad guy opposite Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn most people had no idea who he was… Fast forward 9 years and Cooper has featured in over 25 films, been recognized by the Academy, and was named Sexiest Man Alive in 2011. Not a bad run if you ask me for The Hangover star. That run has also included A-list dating (and marriages), endorsements and a good deal of philanthropy.
Those are the basics about Mr. Cooper, here’s what you may not know about the superstar…
Dating Track Record
Bradley Cooper is no Derek Jeter, but the man has had a nice little dating track record since his marriage and subsequent divorce to beauty Jennifer Esposito in 2007. He’s dated Renee Zellwegger, Zoe Saldana, and is currently tied to model Suki Waterhouse.
Cinnamon Cheerios
Cooper has gone on record several times admitting he’s a big eater. When asked what he does in his spare time his response was simple, “Eating. I eat a lot of food. I’m a big eater.” Funny, you could never tell. His favorites – well, he loves salty carbs and fresh baked bread, but his ace in the hole is Cinnamon Cheerios. Cooper said when he gets home late from work he devours a big bowl of the tasty cereal.
Doesn’t drink at all
One would easily make the assumption after seeing The Hangover that Cooper is a party animal. Guess again. He may have been back in the day, but after he deliberately bashed his head on a concrete floor at a party, Cooper decided to call it quits. Cooper doesn’t drink at all and hasn’t in 10 years.
Mistaken for a Girl
Life wasn’t always easy for the Sexiest Man Alive. Growing up in Philadelphia Cooper admits he was often mistaken for a girl. “People always thought I was a girl when I was little because I looked like a girl”. Cooper attributes that to the fact his mother kept his hair long and in a bowl cut. He’s come a long way since then.
Huge Feet
Cooper is a modest 6’1″, but you’d never guess that by looking at his size 14 feet. When he was 10 years old he wore size 12 shoes. Everyone, including Cooper himself, that he was going to grow up to be a giant, but that never happened. Cooper says he got the raw end of the deal only reaching 6’1″, but having size 14 feet.
Photo by Stuart Wilson/Getty Images