static void
activityPaused( activity)
Deprecated. static void
activityResumed( activity)
Deprecated. static void
activityStarted( activity)
Deprecated. static void
addCPPValue(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
Adds a CPP key/value pair.
static void
appendCPPValue(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
Appends a value to a comma separated list stored against a custom CPP key.
static void
Check to see if the user is eligible for a survey.
static void
Tells the SDK that a custom invite was accepted.
static void
Tells the SDK that a custom invite was declined.
static java.util.Map<ContactType,java.lang.String>
Check all contact details
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>
Gets all CPP key/value pairs
static java.lang.String
Deprecated. static java.lang.String
getContactDetails(ContactType contactType)
Check the contact details for the given contact type stored in the SDK
static java.lang.String
getCPPValue(java.lang.String key)
Gets the CPP value associated to a given key
static ContactType
Get the preferred contact type
static java.lang.String
Gets the version of the SDK
static void
Manually increment the number of pages counted by the ForeSee SDK.
static void
incrementSignificantEventCountWithKey(java.lang.String key)
Increment the significant event count for a given key.
static boolean
Check whether debug logging is enabled
static void
registerFragmentView(android.view.View fragmentView)
Deprecated. static void
removeCPPValue(java.lang.String key)
Removes a CPP value.
static void
Reset the state of the SDK.
static void
setContactDetails(ContactType contactType, java.lang.String contactDetails)
Add contact details for a particular type for use in the CONTACT notification method
static void
setContactDetails(java.lang.String contactDetails)
Deprecated. static void
setCPPValueFromArray(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String[] values)
Adds a CPP key/value pair.
static void
setDebugLogEnabled(boolean debugLoggingEnabled)
Allows implementers to configure the SDK to produce more verbose logging output.
static void
setInviteListener(BaseInviteListener inviteListener)
Set the invite listener
static void
setPreferredContactType(ContactType contactType)
Set a preferred contact type
static void
setSkipPoolingCheck(boolean skipPoolingCheck)
Allows implementers to configure the SDK to skip the pooling check.
Check if the pooling check is disabled
static void
showInviteForSurveyID(java.lang.String surveyId)
Programmatically present the invitation for a given survey ID (sid)
static void
showSurveyForSurveyID(java.lang.String surveyId)
Programmatically present the survey for a given survey ID (sid)
static void
start( application)
Start the ForeSee SDK.
static void
start( application, ForeSee.ForeSeeSDKConfigurationListener listener)
Start the ForeSee SDK.
static void
startWithConfiguration( application, java.lang.String filename)
Starts the SDK using a custom configuration file name.
static void
startWithConfiguration( application, java.lang.String filename, ForeSee.ForeSeeSDKConfigurationListener listener)
Starts the SDK using a custom configuration file name.
static void
startWithConfigurationJSON( application, java.lang.String configJSON)
Starts the SDK using a custom configuration JSON string.
static void
startWithConfigurationJSON( application, java.lang.String configJSON, ForeSee.ForeSeeSDKConfigurationListener listener)
Starts the SDK using a custom configuration JSON string.
static Configuration
updateConfig( application, java.lang.String configJSON)
Updates the SDK with a custom configuration JSON string.
static Configuration
useLocalConfig( application)
Updates the current persistenceSerializer to use a local configuration file.