How do I start a naturalist mission?

To start a naturalist mission in Red Dead Online, follow these steps:

1. Open the Red Dead Online Map

To start a naturalist mission, open the Red Dead Online map.

2. Select the waypoint to Harriet’s Shop

Once you have the map open, select the waypoint to Harriet’s Shop. This will lead you to the location where you can begin your naturalist mission.

3. Interact with Harriet and select the Buy option

After reaching Harriet’s Shop, interact with Harriet and select the Buy option to start your naturalist mission.

4. Purchase an Animal Sample Kit

To fully start the naturalist mission, you will need to purchase an Animal Sample Kit from Harriet. This kit is necessary for collecting animal samples during your missions.

Note: These steps are based on the information provided in the article and may vary slightly in the game.

How do you start Harriet mission in rdr2?

To start a Harriet mission in Red Dead Online, follow these steps:

1. Speak with Harriet at her shop

Visit Harriet at her shop location to start a mission.

2. Select “Missions”

Speak with Harriet and select the “Missions” option to see the available missions.

3. Launch the mission

Choose the mission you want to play and press the corresponding button (Square/X/Space) to launch it. Note that there may be a cooldown period before you can start another mission.

How much does it cost to start the naturalist role?

To start the naturalist role in Red Dead Online, you will need to obtain a Sample Kit from Harriet Davenport. The standard cost for the Sample Kit is 25 Gold Bars.

How can I get Naturalist role fast?

To level up your Naturalist role quickly in Red Dead Online, follow these strategies:

1. Study Animals

Get close to animals and use the R1/RB button to study them. This will give you valuable information and help increase your Naturalist XP.

2. Use the Sedation Ammo

Use the Sedation Ammo to put animals to sleep and extract samples. By using this ammo, you can collect samples and gain more Naturalist XP.

3. Sell Samples to Harriet

After collecting animal samples, visit Harriet and sell them to her. This will not only earn you money but also grant you additional Naturalist XP.

4. Collect Sample Sets

Try to collect samples as a “Set” by gathering samples from different types of animals. Selling complete sample sets to Harriet will reward you with higher XP rewards.
Note: These strategies are based on the information provided in the article and may vary in the game.

What animal gives the most naturalist XP?

In Red Dead Online, sedating and collecting samples from larger and more unique animals tend to give more Naturalist XP. Some examples of animals that can reward significant Naturalist XP include alligators, wolves, elk, foxes, bison, and cougars.

How To Start The Naturalist Role | Red Dead Online Naturalist DLC

Unfortunately, the article does not provide specific information on how to start the Naturalist role in Red Dead Online. It mainly focuses on various aspects and strategies related to the Naturalist role once it is already started.
