How much did it cost Tony Khan to buy ROH? The AEW president has a surprisinganswer

AEW president Tony Khan recently appeared at the Starrcast event and he gave an interesting answer to a question about the acquisition of Ring of Honor.

Tony Khan officially purchased Ring of Honor in March 2022 and relaunched the brand by signing some of ROH talents back to their contracts while also featuring some of his AEW talent on the brand.

The episodes for Ring of Honor get taped on Saturday after the conclusion of AEW Collision.

Speaking at Starrcast, Tony Khan revealed the story behind the purchase of Ring of Honor.

“When I purchased ROH, ROH produced the show, I was able to buy the tape in the sale, which was a very lucrative part of the sale. In fact, the gate for Wembley Stadium at All In was several times the price of the entire company. I got quite a steal, to say the least," said Tony Khan.

Tony Khan paid for AEW star's surgery after bumping into him in the hallway

Top AEW star and one-half of Aussie Open Mark Davis revealed in an interview that Tony Khan decided to pay for his surgery even before he was signed to All Elite Wrestling.

Mark Davis injured his knee during a match in NJPW in May 2023. The injury forced Davis and Kyle Fletcher to vacate both the NJPW STRONG and IWGP Tag Team Championships in the same month.

On Talk is Jericho, Aussie Open revealed that a trip to Ring of Honor taping and bumping into Tony Khan led to Davis' knee getting repaired.

"There was a Ring of Honor taping we were supposed to be involved in. We got there and I was like, 'I don't think I can wrestle, I need to get my knee looked at.' The trainers looked at it (and said), 'It's you're meniscus.' (Then I said,) 'That's what I thought it was.' It's a thing I expected to happen, it was a frustrating point in time because we were tag champions. I was in Orlando, I passed Tony [Tony Khan] in the hallway (and he said), 'Come and talk to me.' He sorted it. He got my knee fixed. He didn't have to," said Mark Davis.

Flether also talked about the moment Khan offered money for the surgery.

"We weren't contracted at this point, this was literally, [Tony Khan] saw Davis, he heard what was going on, and he came up to him in the hallway, 'Come here, I'll sort it for you right now," said Kyle Fletcher. [H/T Fightful]

what are your thoughts on Tony Khan running Ring of Honor along with All Elite Wrestling? Sound off in the comments section below.

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