How to quickly get League Points

The Paldea region in the new Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has a new form of currency in addition to the regular money called League Points (LP).

This is similar in concept to Watts in the Sword and Shield games. Regular money can still be earned by selling items and winning trainer and gym battles, but there are only a few special ways through which LP can be earned. This can be done by participating in Tera Raid Battles, battling wild Terastallized Pokemon, and defeating Team Star bosses.

LP can also be exchanged for Pokemon materials. This article will show trainers how to get League Points quickly.

Four ways to get League Points (LP) in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Defeating Team Star bosses

This method grants trainers the most amount of LP at once. It also has the additional advantage of being one of the three main quests in the game. This makes finishing the missions incredibly valuable.

The storyline that involves visiting Team Star bases and defeating their bosses is called Starfall Street. This method is relatively slower than the others, but it gives you a large amount of LP.

You have to defeat Pocket Monsters at each base using the autobattle feature and your first three Pokemon. These clusters of Pokemon are thrown out around the base by members of Team Star, and you'll get ten minutes to beat a certain number of these creatures.

Completing this goal unlocks a fight with the leader of that base, and you'll then have to engage in a regular battle with them. Winning the battle gives you a certain amount of LP, depending on how long it took you to beat the base.

This process can be repeated in the post-game, where you will encounter a higher number of Pokemon clusters, as well as a stronger version of the Team Star Leader. It is also possible for you to rematch the leader once every day to earn more LP.

Since the total amount of LP received is proportional to the speed at which you complete the trail, it's important to have a higher level team with a type advantage.

Catching and defeating wild Terastallized Pokemon

There are various sparkling, gem-like monsters that can be found roaming the Paldea region. These are Terastallized Pokemon that have a type-specific jewel crown on their head.

Terastallized monsters spawn on a daily basis in predetermined locations across the region, and fighting them is an excellent way to earn LP. Depending on the level of the Pocket Monster, you'll get a certain number of League Points upon capturing or defeating them.

Participating in Tera Raid Battles

You can also look for Tera Raid crystals that are scattered across the map of Paldea. This is an excellent way to earn LP since it can function as a source of both active and passive income.

Simply interacting with the crystals ensures that you receive League Points proportional to the level of difficulty of the Raid, irrespective of whether you've participated in the battle or not.

Although participation has additional benefits, you can choose to simply interact with the crystal and go about completing other missions or exploring the open world.

Trading Pokemon materials for League Points

TM Machines available at Pokemon Centers across the Paldea Region offer the option to sell materials collected by defeating wild Pocket Monsters or picking them off the ground. You'll receive varying amounts of League Points for different materials. The materials are also key elements in crafting TMs.

Some of these materials, such as Tatsugiri Scales, Bombardier Feather, and Klawf Claw, all of which sell for 100 LP each, are lucrative options to generate LP. Those looking to turn a quick profit in League Points can easily find, fight, and defeat monsters like wild Bombirdier.

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