Khloe Kardashians latest waist-training selfie: stupid, ridiculous & unhealthy?

I know I’m a broken record on this, but I really, really do NOT understand this whole “waist training” thing. It’s stupid. It’s ridiculous. It’s probably very hazardous to your health. This is an Instagram from Khloe Kardashian, Our Lady of Pinocchio Butts. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Khloe had fat sucked out of her stomach and put into her butt. It also wouldn’t surprise me if this image was Photoshopped somehow. I don’t even get why this photo happened? Ugh.

Khloe is still with her man, James Harden. Harden recently had a birthday, and he celebrated with Khloe and a big group of people on a yacht in Marina del Rey. There was a party, drinks, toasts… and a fireworks show at the stroke of midnight. As you can imagine, fireworks at midnight (on a weeknight!!) did not go over too well with the neighbors:

The Kardashians may have bought themselves another round of fireworks … in court. Twelve Marina del Rey homeowners — including several celebs — have banned together and will file a small claims court lawsuit against Khloe and Kris for terrorizing an untold number of residents, who thought their city was under attack. Turns out it was a massive fireworks show at the stroke of midnight Wednesday to celebrate James Harden’s birthday just outside the breakwater.

Each resident will demand $7,500 … the max allowed in California small claims. As for their damages, one homeowner says her kid freaked out. Another says she has MS and her condition has worsened since the incident. They all say they suffered emotional distress.

The people suing say money is not the object. They want to come face-to-face with Khloe, Kris and the others and confront them for conduct they say was rude and supremely selfish. The reason they chose small claims … lawyers aren’t allowed, so the famous family will have to appear.

[From TMZ]

At first I was like “wait, I thought most of the Kardashians lived in Calabasas?” Then I saw the thing about the yacht – it was a yacht party and Khloe was the hostess. She organized the whole thing, including the fireworks. Khloe told Entertainment Tonight that she and the fireworks company got all of the necessary permits. So we’ll see.

Here are some photos of Khloe out on Monday. I actually like that color on a Birkin. But Khloe is such a sad doll these days. The waist-training, the Pinocchio Butt, the lip injections, the blonde. It makes me sad.



Photos courtesy of Instagram, Fame/Flynet.
