Tonight on CBS NCIS returns with an all new Tuesday February 9, season 13 episode 14 called, “Decompressed” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, a deep sea diver is murdered on the job, and his body and his suspected coworkers must remain in a high-tech decompression chamber for four days.
On the last episode, an international human-trafficking ring that was believed to be shut down was uncovered when NCIS investigated the murder of a seaman who was set to testify before a grand jury. Meanwhile, McGee hoped to spend the night at a colleague’s home after a storm causes massive power outaged in the city. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.
On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “a deep sea diver is murdered on the job, and his body and his suspected coworkers must remain in a high-tech decompression chamber for four days, which forces the NCIS team to undergo an unorthodox investigation from outside the tank.”
Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s NCIS at 8:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are for the season 13 episode 14.
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
Senior Chief P.O. Diego De La Rosa was a retired Navy man and therefore he gone on countless missions that tested both his stomach and his nerves. But he had never freaked out before so the diving team that he later joined had no reason to fear him.
De La Rosa had become part of an elite diving team that was supposed to be taking samples of saturation of the ocean floor in preparation of wielding some oil pipelines. Yet the mission had gotten stalled when De La Rosa began flipping out in the diving compartment and had been threatening one if not all of three of his fellow divers of poisoning him. So naturally the guys that were watching the entire scene play out over the security cameras called their boss. Who then authorized them to bring up the compartment from the sea and back onto the boat.
However, De La Rosa had been dead by time they did so and fortunately someone had been smart enough to call it in. And so that’s how a retired Navy diver’s death suddenly became an NCIS case though admittedly it was pretty hard to start an investigation without be able to go near the body. The compartment in which the corpse was in had to also undergo a decompression stage that would make the compartment to be opened without killing the three remaining divers.
So really Ducky was put in an awkward positon on this one and he knew that he couldn’t determine the cause of death from instant replay. And without being able to open the hatch, he simply chose to gather evidence another way. He got the three divers that were still stuck with the body to gather evidence for him but only McGee saw the problem with that.
McGee you see had questioned the part where they were using all of their suspects to gather evidence. He said that any one of them could tamper with the blood samples or merely contaminate everything. Yet NCIS had no other choice.
DiNozzo and Bishop had done the leg work on this one and they weren’t finding anything. There was a diver with a burner phone, another that was heavily in debt, and one diver even had their military record sealed. So the one thing that they could give Gibbs was that the diving ship hadn’t been working for the oil companies. If anything the ship had been leagues away doing something else but they must have lied to federal agents for a reason.
Though no one apparently was allowed to give a reason. The second Gibbs and McGee started to ask around, a lawyer showed up and chose to show everyone the nondisclosure agreement they had all signed. So that meant that no one abroad the ship was allowed to talk about what they were really doing on the ocean floor.
And the company that had hired everyone wanted to be extremely difficult, they had their lawyer to look into the case that NCIS had against the remaining divers. Which is why the autopsy that the guys had performed was ruled unethical. Apparently Ducky couldn’t use a proxy to gather evidence.
Even though that very same evidence had proved that De La Rosa had been murdered. After his freak-out, the compartment had been brought up and the crew inside had to put on air masks just to make the journey. So the reason De La Rosa hadn’t survived the trip was because someone had loosened the hose connected to his oxygen mask.
Though De La Rosa ended up sounding very familiar to another situation that had happened with one of the divers. Sam Harper had gone diving on a different mission and his partner on that one had died because of faulty hose as well. So the captain of Brandywyne had gone on to accuse Sam seeing as it was now twice that people have died around him.
But the guys had seen Meredith Ragan’s sealed army record and they had found out she killed a guy with her bare hands because she had mistaken a translator for an insurgent. So if anyone had a violent tendency – it was her. And surprisingly she had a lot of other fun facts in her background check.
It seems she had known the lawyer from the company for quite some time so when they finally realized that she had killed De La Rosa because he had found out she was using waterproof closets on the ocean floor that was supposed to be later sold to the navy as way move weaponry – to instead smuggle drugs – they then realized who her partner in all of this must have been. And as the added cherry on top the lawyer gave them the drug cartel that behind everything.
He had once worked for the Suarez Cartel and so it wasn’t much of leap to assume that he was still working with them.
So that’s how Meredith got her hands on enough cocaine to drug De La Rosa and she ended up killing him with a hose because the cocaine hadn’t worked out like she planned. She must have thought it would cause a stroke but all it did was make him freakout because he knew that someone had poisoned him.