Queensland woman rubbishes mans claim she was driving dangerously

A driver in Queensland has taken to social media to vent his frustration after he was apparently brake-checked by another driver on the Bruce Highway.

But his online spray quickly took a turn when the woman he accused of dangerous driving clapped back at him on Facebook.

The man said he was driving home from work on the highway when he was overtaken by a female driver.

According to his post in the Facebook group Cairns Bad Drivers and Parkers, the woman slowed down and braked repeatedly, forcing him to brake as well.

This apparently continued for several kilometres, until he was able to pass the her.

He called her an “absolute stupid woman” and said that she was “putting people‘s lives at risk”.

The furious driver also posted a photo of the woman’s car, in the hopes that someone would be able to identify her.

The post quickly picked up steam, and has so far been shared over 10,000 times.

“This absolute stupid women [sic], I was driving behind her from Edmonton through to Gordonvale, driving the speed limit,” the man wrote.

“I was sitting at least two car lengths behind her, then she decides to start break[sic] checking me about ten times, near to the point of a complete stop while on the highway.

“I couldn’t do much I had a patrol up behind me. Ridiculous behaviour.”

While people commented on the post in support for the man and condemning the other driver’s behaviour, others slammed him for bringing gender into the conversation.

One commenter claimed his post was “needless gender shaming”.

However, the man doubled down, claiming he didn’t care “if you’re a man or women [sic]”.

“Stop driving like an idiot before you kill someone,” he wrote.

But it wasn’t long before the other side of the story was revealed, when a person claiming to be the woman driving the red Toyota RAV4 found the post and explained the situation.

She said she wasn’t brake checking and was only trying to stay under the speed limit.

“Yup! That’s me! Going 60 in a 60 zone and unfortunately I don’t use cruise control and need to adjust my speed to ensure I don’t go over 60,” she wrote.

“Perhaps if you stop tailgating, you might not nearly hit me calling it a brake check. Especially considering I couldn’t even see your number plate OR headlights in my review mirror.

“I sure did see your finger though! And heard the honk … Thanks for the photo though.”

The woman’s reply attracted over 525 comments, with fellow group members applauding her for setting the record straight.

“So he tailgated you. Tried to troll you on Facebook the. The true story comes out,” one commenter said.

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“God I love this group and love when people reply and get both sides to a story,” another wrote.

Both brake checking and tailgating are dangerous activities that can lead to accidents and are illegal in almost all Australian states and territories.

Drivers caught engaging in either one of these activities can face massive fines and demerit points.

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