Raising Asia Recap 9/9/14: Season 1 Episode 12 Of Momagers and Meltdowns

Raising Asia Recap 9/9/14: Season 1 Episode 12 "Of Momagers and Meltdowns"

Tonight on Lifetime, RAISING ASIA airs it’s an all new 12th episodes in it’s first season. On tonight’s episodes, called “Of Momagers and Meltdowns,” it’s time for Asia to take the stage at Universal City Walk for the biggest and most important performance of her life. Also With her Universal City Walk performance only one week away, Asia is set to sing her new ballad on the web series, BiteSizeTV.

On the last two episodes Shawn decided that he and Kristie should “kid swap,” with Shawn handling Asia’s career and Kristie taking on Bella’s responsibilities. Meanwhile, Choreographer Ricky Palomino gives Asia the lead role in his theatrical performance “Daylight Come.” Did you watch the last episodes? We recapped them all right here for you.

On tonight’s episode pressure mounts on Asia and she loses focus just before she is to sing her new ballad on a Web series. The incident causes Kristie to explode at the crew and threaten to pull the plug on “Raising Asia.”

Tonight’s episodes are going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Raising Asia tonight at 10PM EST! In the meantime, sound out in the comments below and tell us what you think about this new show.

RECAP: Kristie finds herself having to crack the whip with her daughter. Asia has major commitment coming up and lately she’s been losing focus. Even her dad has had to be strict with her.

But then, right in the middle of practice, Asia’s dad decided to slow things down by having a barbecue party at the house. He felt his whole family needed a day off from the family business. So Kristie was happy to finally find time to hang out with friends and have some drinks … for about a minute. Then she wounded up back in momager mode.

What set her off was Asia’s eating habits. Asia knows she’s on a strict diet and yet she was eating Cheetos and enjoying popsicles like there was no tomorrow which in her case – Kristie will make sure there isn’t a second time. And that’s why, at the time, it was freaking Kristie out. She had tried to prevent her daughter from getting her hands on even anymore junk food and Asia was ignoring her.

And that was only getting Kristie worked up so Kristie’ sister stepped in – in attempt to diffuse the situation. Gins sees how stressed out Kristie can get and she simply wanted to remind her sister than she’s no longer doing all of this by herself – Shawn has become involved more. But Kristie doesn’t really count her husband as part of the team. She refers to him as more of a visitor.

It’s Kristie that’s been managing Asia’s career and it’s Kristie that made sure to hire all the right people. So she run things and Gina then found herself corrected about her assumption.

Asia later had a chance to sing on live television and while they were at the studio – a lot of people were telling her what to do and she kept ignoring them. It had gotten so bad that her dad stepped in to play the bad guy. He accused her of being too easily distracted. And when everyone comments got to be frustrating for her – Asia locked herself in a closet in last five minutes before she was supposed to be onstage. Like a true diva!

She eventually she came out of the closet and did her job but her parents were more concerned about her behavior. Ignoring their critiques and locking herself into a closet just wasn’t acceptable to them. Hence a meeting was called after her debut and they basically all took turns on telling her where she went wrong. And though she deserved it – for acting like a brat – only her aunt remembered she was eight years old.

Gina had felt bad about Asia and more importantly she had grown concerned about the way her advice was being ignored by her sister and by Shawn. It’s not like she doesn’t want to help or has implied that. She’s made it clear that she wanted to be there for her niece and it’s starting to her feelings when her sister ignores her.

So Gina went to the house with her mom (who’s also going to be a big help in getting Kristie to ease up a bit) and she told her brother-in-law how she’s been feeling. And he was understanding towards her. He didn’t want her to feel like she’s been cast out.

Yet their heart to heart caused Kristie to freak out because she didn’t want the cameras catching her sister like that. Gina didn’t mind but Kristie did. So she tried everything she could to shut down the cameras before they caught a private family moment.
