Ranking the 3 greatest running backs in Detroit Lions history

There hasn’t been a bevy of superstar running backs who’ve rocked the Detroit Lions’ Honolulu blue.

Even thouse they are one of the oldest NFL teams, the Lions have only 18 seasons in which a player has rushed over 1,000 yards. The great Barry Sanders was responsible for 10 of those campaigns.

Besides Sanders, only five other players in franchise history have reached the 1,000 rushing yard mark: Steve Owens, Billy Sims, James Stewart, Kevin Jones and Reggie Bush.

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2012 NFL MVP and future Hall of Famer Adrian Peterson once played for Detroit, producing a team-leading 604 yards during the 2020 season. That’s pretty good for a 35-year-old, but he doesn’t qualify for the “Top running backs in Lions history” list since he only played one year with the franchise.

Who are the Detroit Lions' 3 greatest running backs of all time?

Kansas City Chiefs v Detroit Lions

#1 - Barry Sanders

When most people think of the Lions, perhaps the first name that comes to mind is Barry Sanders. He's the Michael Jordan of the franchise, and there's no debate.

Sanders began his astonishing career in 1989, after he was drafted by the Lions with the third overall pick. The Wichita, Kansas native would rush for over 1,000 yards in each of his 10 seasons, including a career-high 2,053 in 1997.

He won the NFL’s ‘97 MVP award, led the league in rushing four times, and made the Pro Bowl on 10 occasions.

Although he could’ve surpassed Walter Payton to become the leading rusher of all time, Sanders shocked the sports world by retiring at the age of 31.

Most fans rank him as a top-five running back of all time behind legends like Jim Brown and Walter Payton. And some people claim he’s the G.O.A.T.

#2 - Doak Walker

If you’re a big college football fan, you’ve probably heard of the Doak Walker Award, which is given to the best college running back every year.

Walker starred for the Lions way back in the day, from 1950 to 1955. The 1948 Heisman Trophy winner won Rookie of the Year, led the league in scoring twice and helped former high school teammate Bobby Layne steer the team to two NFL championships. He basically played the Swiss Army Knife role, contributing as a receiver, punt returner and kicker as well.

Despite playing only six NFL seasons—all for the Lions—Walker still made the Pro Football Hall of Fame and his No. 37 is retired by the team. That's how great he was.

#3 - Billy Sims

Indianapolis Colts vs Detroit Lions - November 25, 2004

Billy Sims has a few things in common with Sanders. They both won a Heisman Trophy at an Oklahoma school (Sims played for Oklahoma University and won the award exactly 10 years before Sanders did) and wore No. 20 as a star running back with the Lions.

Sims was selected by Detroit with the first overall pick in the 1980 NFL Draft. He went on to win Offensive Rookie of the Year and earn three trips to the Pro Bowl.

Sadly, a knee injury forced him to retire after only five seasons. His 5,106 rushing yards currently ranks second in franchise history.

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