Report: naked William pics

Soon it'll be a royal straight flush of naked young royals, if the latest rumours are to be believed.

For a technology blogger writing for the Telegraph today alleges that there are naked photos of Big Willie Wales being hawked around the newspapers and gossip mags of Europe.

Willard Foxton says, "Newspaper pictures editors tell me there are as many as 270 pictures being hawked around, which feature both the Duchess and Prince William naked – only 24 have appeared thus far. The Palace's nightmare is that the pictures are stills from a video."

The pictures of the Duchess sunbathing topless have now been viewed around the world, despite a criminal prosecution being underway in France against photographer and publisher. They have not been published in print in the UK.

The pictures were taken while the couple were on holiday in Provence, France, at a villa belonging to their cousin Viscount Linley.

On Friday, the website egotastic reposted pictures from the Danish edition of See and Hear, which included pictures of Kate's butt.
