Taylor Swift & Hozier might be happening, she kissed him at a Grammy party?

Back in October of last year, Taylor Swift went to see Hozier in concert. Hozier is that HOT Irish singer with the hit “Take Me to Church.” He’s deep and he’s real and he’s talented and he’s got GREAT hair, the latter of which is incredibly important to Swifty. So, it was sort of interesting when Hozier and Swifty were spotted hanging out with each other last week, right? She even tried to cover her face with a hoodie, a sure sign that there’s some cuddlefesting going on. And now this – E! News says Swifty and Hozier were spending a lot of time together at the Grammys after-parties. Huh.

Looks like Taylor Swift went to church last night. The “Shake It Off” superstar was spotted looking “really cute” with Hozier at Sam Smith’s super-VIP Grammy after party.

“They were hanging out a lot and talking with each other,” a fellow party guest tells me. “They looked really cute together.”

We’re not saying the two were getting along in a romantic way, but sources did see Swift, 25, give the “Take Me to Church” singer, 24, a few kisses on his cheek. The two were at the party into the wee hours of the morning. One source saw them chatting at 3:30 a.m. And it was just five days ago that they were spotted together at a Haim concert in L.A.

[From E! News]

My God. It’s on, people! Battle stations!!! Taylor Swift might actually be hitting it with a guy I legitimately find attractive. I didn’t realize Hozier was so young – he’s only 24? So soulful and talented for such a young age. And he’s tall too. And he’s got that hot Irish accent. He’s going to RUIN Swifty. And it will be a glorious mess and I really, really hope it’s happening. DO IT, SWIFTY!

Meanwhile, Swifty spent her whole Grammy night making peace with just about everybody. Everybody but Katy Perry and John Mayer, obviously. But Swifty hugged it out with Kanye West and she even spent some time with Diplo. That one surprised me, because Diplo publicly slammed Swifty’s flat butt and he dared to criticize her in his GQ interview. How can Swifty make up with Diplo and Yeezy but not John Mayer? That seems odd.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Getty & Instagram.
