The Rookie Fall Finale Recap 12/08/19: Season 2 Episode 10 The Dark Side

The Rookie Fall Finale Recap 12/08/19: Season 2 Episode 10 "The Dark Side"

Tonight on ABC their new series The Rookie airs with an all-new Sunday, December 8, 2019, season 2 episode 10 called, “The Dark Side,” and we have your The Rookie recap below. On tonight’s The Rookie season 2 episode 9 as per the ABC synopsis, “Officer Nolan and team are charged with escorting a notorious female serial killer to the graves of her previously unrecovered victims.

However, when they arrive, they unearth even more than they expected. Meanwhile, Officer Chen meets a seemingly perfect man who sparks her interest, and Officer Lopez worries about Wesley as his PTSD continues to increase.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our The Rookie recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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The rookies went out for drinks. Officers Nolan, West, and Chen have become great friends and she was telling them how difficult it is to date. She said guys are horrible. She’d meet a seemingly nice guy and everything will be going great until she tells him she’s a cop. Her dates usually backed off around then. They didn’t want to date a female cop and so Chen was left with little choice. She was warned about dating a cop. She was now warned against dating civilians and so she didn’t think she was ever going to get a date. And then she met Caleb Wright at the bar, he was nice and he shies away from her being a cop.

Caleb even came by the station the next day to give her his number. He was the first guy that Officer Chen had met that seemed interesting in her and so she was riding on Cloud 9 for a while. She would probably have stayed up in the clouds if the station hadn’t later been put on lockdown. The station was going to be hosting a serial killer. Rosalind Dyer was a unicorn amongst serial killers because she was a woman and she didn’t shy away from torture. She also never revealed the location of three of her victims until now. Rosalind agreed to give the family closure and in return, she wanted to be taken to the bodies.

Rosalind claimed she didn’t remember the exact location. She buried the bodies in Griffith Park and it’s over four thousand acres. Rosalind, therefore, convinced the cops on her case to let her go into the park where she could manually retrace her steps. Rosalind got to enjoy the free air and the cops got what they wanted. It was a fair agreement to everyone except Detective Armstrong. Armstrong was the cop that brought down this particular serial killer and he didn’t like the agreement she made with the ADA because now the death penalty is off the table. Rosalind was still going to get life in prison, but Armstrong didn’t that was fair to the victims’ families.

He wanted her dead. She knows he wants her dead and she decided to mess him with the whole car ride to the park. Rosalind quickly found out that Armstrong has a relationship with Nolan. So, she exploited it. She talked to Nolan. She answered his questions whenever he became curious and she made herself appear vulnerable to him. She appealed to the White Knight Syndrome. She got him to take off her cuffs so that she could have a drink of water and mere seconds later someone began shooting at them. The cops initially believed it was someone trying to help Rosalind escape. They later cornered the suspect and questioned him and that’s when he revealed he was the husband of one of Rosalind’s victims.

It turns out he wasn’t trying to free Rosalind. He was trying to kill her to avenge his wife’s death and it was just stupid of him because now he’s going to prison for Attempted Murder and what’s going to happen to his children. His children have now lost both of their parents. It seems Rosalind was still hurting people from behind bars and it didn’t end with their lone shooter. Rosalind soon brought them to the location of where she hid the bodies. The police even found the person they were looking for as well as an extra body. This extra body couldn’t be more than six months old. It also couldn’t have been Rosalind because she’s been in prison for five years and so that gave the team a new mystery on their hands.

They had to figure out what happened to this body. Who killed them and how did they know to bury the body at that site? Everyone naturally believed Rosalind had something to do with it. She was the least surprised of them all when they found that second body and if anything she seemed happy if not outright smug. Rosalind definitely had something to do with it. She either had a partner from her glory days or she’s managed to recruit someone behind bars. She was brought back to the station and Detective Armstrong wanted to question her. He went into that room believing he would get answers out of her.

Only Rosalind didn’t want to talk to him. She asked for Nolan because she wanted to play around with Nolan. Nolan was still the heroic figure and she wanted to tear him down as much as she could. Rosalind toyed with Nolan. She tried to push him with her antics and he called her out on it. Nolan demanded the truth out of her. He got her to reveal she knew who this new killer was and that she told them where her burial sites were. She even told him that there was a fresh body near the burial site of her second victim. And she was right because the police later found exactly what she said, they found the second body and it had a date on them.

These fresh bodies had dates on them. The first one said DOD6819. It meant Day of Death 6/8/19. The second body was precisely three months younger than the first. It had the DOD9819 and based on its pattern the next body was going to drop today. The police quickly realize someone was going to die today on 12/8/19. Its what they knew for a fact now and so they needed answers out of Rosalind now. They tried to question her again. They tried to plead with her and she took the joy out of their suffering. Rosalind was happy about these new bodies. She said it felt like she was killing them herself and so she wasn’t going to end her enjoyment.

The police had to get answers another way. Armstrong went to the prison where Rosalind planned the murders and he eventually found a code she hid in a library book. The code spelled out the name Bryan Coleman. Armstrong took several officers to Coleman’s home and they didn’t find him, but they find photos of Armstrong’s late wife. His wife died while he was working on Rosalind’s case and she always used that to goad him. Even now that’s her favorite trick. Armstrong was forced to deal with his ghosts while Nolan at least got somewhere. Nolan and Harper went to the morgue where they learned that the victims all had particles of exotic animals on them. And so that reminded him of the old Los Angeles Zoo.

The Old Zoo was abandoned as well as isolated. It was the perfect place to take victims and that’s where Nolan and Harper found the latest victim. She was still alive and they were able to rush her to the hospital. Their killer, however, had gotten away. He beat up Nolan when Nolan tried to run after him and he’s since disappeared. Not that it mattered in the grand scheme of things. They knew Coleman’s name and his picture is now out there. The FBI was also stepping in to assist so eventually they will find their serial killer.

The officers were all told to go home. Chen went on her date with Caleb and Lopez went home to a man that may or may not have tried to kill himself.

And it wasn’t until later that they found Bryan Coleman’s body at the zoo. It turns out he wasn’t their killer and the real killer, unfortunately, turned out to be Chen’s date. Who later kidnapped Chen.

