Where did the joke originate? Here are the top reactions to the viral fake news

No, Lizzo and Snorlax won't be fighting in a boxing match.

Influencer boxing is all the rage these days. Names such as Jake Paul and KSI have quite literally become faces of the sport, by bringing their audience from YouTube to combat sports. However, they are far from the only ones.

There are multiple influencer boxing leagues existing as well. Misfits Boxing, which is run by the aforementioned KSI is incredibly successful. KingPyn and Creator Clash are also other leagues that are not as successful but maintain a fanbase.

That's likely why fans weren't shocked when Lizzo began trending earlier this month. Popular Twitter account Everything out of Context posted a mock news post, where the singer was attached to a boxing match with Snorlax. The fight date on the poster was June 24, showing that it was just a clear joke.

Nonetheless, people thought the post was hilarious. Other fans were quick to point out that 'Snorlax' is actually a Pokemon. The individual in the photo that was posted, was Ali C. Lopez. Nicknamed 'Gorlock The Destroyer', she appeared on the popular Whatever podcast earlier this month.

See popular responses to the meme below:

Lizzo and Snorlax: Will the fight happen?

No, Lizzo and Snorlax won't be fighting, and the meme has no real connection to real life.

The popular singer is busy as one of the most popular artists on the planet. While influencer boxing is popular, there's likely nothing that Misfits Boxing or anyone could offer Lizzo that she doesn't have.

Furthermore, Snorlax, also known as Gorlock, also known as Ali C. Lopez, isn't a boxer either. It's also worth noting that she is transgender, and trans women have been a popular point of conversation in sports recently.

Recently, current champion Ebanie Bridges, and former titleholder, Carl Froch came out against trans women boxing. While there's nothing stopping transgender women from boxing currently, it is possible that a potential fight between the two would be blocked.

However, it almost definitely won't happen. In the event that it does, one has to imagine that it would rival Elon Mark vs. Mark Zuckerberg for most viewers.

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